21 Jun Coloquio "Promoting Equality through Sustainable Urban Public Transportation"
Cities exist for one reason: they create easy access to opportunities to work, to learn and to socialize. The world’s best cities provide the best access to the largest number of people from all walks of life. Good public transportation is the key to democratic urban access. This panel of international and local experts will discuss the ways in which new technologies and new forms of transport organization are revolutionizing the potential for sustainable urban public transportation. What are the opportunities and challenges that confront Santiago in this regard? Chile? And the world?
– Elliott Sclar, Director of the Center for Urban Development at Columbia University’s Earth Institute
– Jacqueline Klopp, Researcher at the Center for Urban Development at Columbia University’s Earth Institute
– Juan Carlos Muñoz, Director of the Bus Rapid Transit Center of Excellence and of the Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS)
– Daniel Schwarz, Deputy Manager of Strategic Studies at the Santiago Subway System (Metro S.A.)
Moderator: Jonathan Barton, Senior Researcher at CEDEUS
More information here.