Resilience, reconstruction, and sustainable development in Chile


Resilience, reconstruction, and sustainable development in Chile
Autor (es)Elizabeth Wagemann , Margarita Greene
Línea (es)Built Environment
Año de publicación2020
RevistaThe Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience
Palabras claves
Resilience, Reconstruction, Sustainable development, Chile
Palabras claves
The reduction of risks from natural disasters initially arises from a humanitarian perspective, but in recent years it has been associated with the concepts of sustainable development and resilience, since it reduces the economic, social, and environmental consequences of disasters. This chapter explores the transformative potential of reconstruction programs through experiences from Chile, aiming at enriching the evolutionary perspective towards resilience and sustainable development, incorporating not only the future reduction of risks but also the possibility of improving existing, and many times long-lasting, prior deficiencies. This approach aims at using the disaster as an opportunity.
Autor de correspondenciaMargarita Green,