Association between informal employment and depressive symptoms in 11 cities in Latin America


Autor(es)Tran B. Huynha, Vanessa M. Oddob, Bricia Trejocf, Kari Moorec, D. Alex Quistbergac, Jannie J.Kim, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Alejandra Vives.
LíneaDinámicas Socioespaciales
Año de publicación2022
RevistaSSM – Population Health
Palabras claves
Informal employment, Depression, Mental health, Latin American and the Caribbean
Mental health is an important contributor to the global burden of disease, and depression is the most prevalent mental disorder in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Informal jobs, often characterized by precarious working conditions, low wages, and limited employment benefits, are also highly prevalent in LAC and may be associated with poorer mental health. Our study tests the association between informal employment and major depressive symptoms in LAC cities.
Autor de correspondencia
Tran B. Huynha,