Nicolás Valenzuela


Arquitecto de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Magíster en Desarrollo Urbano de la misma casa de estudios y Magíster en Development Studies de la Universidad de Cambridge. Doctor en Land Economy de la Universidad de Cambridge.




Se ha dedicado a investigar la relación entre desigualdad y redes de infraestructura, desde la perspectiva de la economía política institucional y las ciencias ambientales. Además, ha estudiado temas en torno a consumo básico de los hogares, gestión de residuos, y políticas de reconstrucción post-desastre. Durante su carrera ha desarrollado investigaciones y redes de colaboración en Chile y América Latina, además de otros países del Sur Global.




Valenzuela-Levi, N., Teresa Espinoza Pérez, A., & Vásquez, Ó. C. (2024). Market concentration in industrial and commercial non-hazardous waste valorisation: the case of Chile. Waste Management (New York, N.Y.), 177, 106–114.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N., Pizarro, G., Arriagada, P., & Figueroa, J. P. (2023). Crime as an excuse for not providing internet in specific neighbourhoods: a quantitative approach to broadband ‘Red Zones’ in Santiago de Chile. Information, Communication & Society, 1-22.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N., Bordón, P., Livert, F., & Henríquez, M. (2023). Bidding against each other: local procurement of personal protective equipment in the context of decentralization and high socio-economic inequality. Revista de Administração Pública, 57(6).


Valenzuela‐Levi, N., & Flores-Castillo, M. (2023). The role of socio-territorial conditions and distance to infrastructure for promoting recycling in Latin American cities: The case of Santiago de Chile. Cities, 143, 104594.


Muñoz-Soto, V. D., Dávila-Gálvez, S., Pérez, A. T. E., Rojo-González, L., Valenzuela‐Levi, N., & Vásquez, Ó. C. (2023). COVID-19, waste production and municipal recycling programs: Insights from Chile to the global south. Science Of The Total Environment, 899, 165388.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N. (2023). Income inequality and rule-systems within public transport: A study of Medellín (Colombia) and Santiago (Chile). Journal Of Transport Geography, 112, 103700.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N. (2020). Waste Political Settlements in Colombia and Chile: Power, Inequality and Informality in Recycling. Development And Change, 51(4), 1098-1122.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N. (2020). The written and unwritten rules of internet exclusion: inequality, institutions and network disadvantage in cities of the Global South. Information, Communication & Society, 1-18.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N. (2019). Factors influencing municipal recycling in the Global South: The case of Chile. Resources, Conservation And Recycling, 150, 104441.


Valenzuela‐Levi, N. (2019). Do the rich recycle more? Understanding the link between income inequality and separate waste collection within metropolitan areas. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 213, 440-450.