29 Ago Call for Papers: CEDEUS International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development 2014
CEDEUS Conference on Sustainable Urban Development 2014
22-24 January
Location: Campus Lo Contador, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
1916 El Comendador, Providencia, Santiago de Chile, CHILE
Organised by the Chilean Centre for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS), a collaboration between the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) and the Universidad de Concepción (UDEC), and financed by the National Research Council (CONICYT). Its objectives are to create an interdisciplinary research platform; to train researchers in sustainable urban development and to establish links with practitioners and decision makers.
Researchers from CEDEUS are invited to participate in this english-language conference in order to share their research on concepts and methods in urban sustainable development research and practice.
The themes to be explored in the conference include, among others: theory and concepts in sustainable urban development; holistic urban research methodologies; disciplinary research methods oriented towards urban sustainability; evaluation of sustainable urban development and the development of indicators; public policy; participation and governance; transport and mobility; built environment; integrated planning; and critical resource assessment and management.
Conference Committee
Jonathan Barton (chair), CEDEUS and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Fernando Pérez Oyarzún, CEDEUS and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Juan Carlos Muñoz Abogabir, CEDEUS and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Pablo Pastén, CEDEUS and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Juan Antonio Carrasco, CEDEUS and Universidad de Concepción.
Key dates:
– 6 December: Deadline for paper abstract submission (400 words). See template. (incl. title, author(s), affiliations, 5 key words, contact email). The abstract should be written in English. Send your abstract to David Avilés at deaviles@uc.cl.
– 10 January: Conference Paper to be received.
For details contact the conference coordinator, David Avilés, deaviles@uc.cl