Modes of technification: Expertise, urban controversies and the radicalness of radical planning (2014)


Modes of technification: Expertise, urban controversies and the radicalness of radical planning

Publication Type

Journal Article

Year of Publication



Manuel Tironi

Journal Title

Planning Theory


Citizen organisations, expertise, radical planning, Santiago de Chile


This article questions radical planning’s insistence on an ontological distinction between lay and expert knowledge. Drawing on an in-depth analysis of citizen collectives in Santiago, Chile, I explain how citizen organisations, in their quest for political recognition and emancipation, embrace rationalistic, bureaucratic, formal and instrumental knowledge and tactics. Utilising insights from Science and Technology Studies, I call modes of technification the specific and differentiated strategies by which these collectives become technical entities. Three of these modes are described: the organisational, epistemic and generative modes. The larger claim is that radical planning, by pursuing a politics of difference, may end up enacting a world in which identities are essentialised and roles forcefully allocated.



Corresponding Author

Manuel Tironi. Email:

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