Impacts of Urbanization and Land Use Change over Water Resources


Impacts of Urbanization and Land Use Change over Water Resources
AutorTomás Bunster; Jorge Gironás; Carolina Rojas; Carlos Bonilla
Línea (s)Critical Resources
Año de publicación2020
RevistaWater Resources of Chile
Palabras claves
Land use Urbanization Wildfire Population growth
Anthropogenic land use changes have taken place through time, and will continue in the future as the country develops. Such changes have affected the occurrence of hydrological processes, and impacted water resources. This chapter describes these changes and their evolution through time. Urban and population growth, expansion and intensification of agriculture and productive forestry, and the occurrence of wildfires in Chile are characterized. Furthermore, the main impacts over water resources and current practices to cope with these changes are presented. Finally, future challenges are described, together with the concluding remarks.
Autor de correspondenciaJorge Gironás