16 Dic Im-mobilities of Care: Gendered Spaces and Practices in Segregated Urban Territories
Title | Im-mobilities of Care: Gendered Spaces and Practices in Segregated Urban Territories |
Author | Alejandra Luneke, Alejandra Rasse, Isabel Ugalde |
Line(s) | Dinámicas Socioespaciales |
Year of Publication | 2021 |
Journal Title | ARQ |
Keywords | gender; interdependence; childhood; article; care |
Abstract | The capacity and range of free movement in the city may indicate urban deterioration or the well-being of its inhabitants. The COVID-19 pandemic affected mobility, making socioeconomic and gender differences evident. By taking charge of domestic care and childcare, women from highly segregated neighborhoods in the city saw their ability to move increasingly dependent on external factors, turning their mobility into im-mobility. |
Doi | http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-69962021000300038 |
Corresponding Author | Alejandra Luneke, gluneke@uahurtado.cl |