Bioprospecting for electrochemically active perchlorate-reducing microorganisms


Bioprospecting for electrochemically active perchlorate-reducing microorganisms

Autor (es)Felipe Torres-Rojas, Diana Muñoz, Camila Pía Canales, Ignacio T. Vargas
Línea (s)Recursos Críticos
Año de publicación2022
Palabras clavesBioelectrochemical system, Perchlorate, Biocathode, Electrochemically active microorganisms
ResumenThis study evaluated the electrochemical capacity of four perchlorate-reducing microorganisms (PRMs) isolated from an Altiplanic Andean watershed naturally pressured with perchlorate. Three-electrode electrochemical cells were used to test the electrochemical activity of the obtained isolates. Electrochemical evaluation (i.e., cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, chronoamperometry) revealed that two isolates identified as Dechloromonas sp. CS-1 and Clostridioides sp. CS-2 are electrochemically active PRMs. Bacterial isolates exhibiting cathodic peaks at -651 mV and -303 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) for CS-1 and CS-2, respectively. Electrotrophic perchlorate removal was demonstrated by a 6-days chronoamperometry with removal rates of 27 and 17 mg L-1 day-1 and cathodic efficiencies of 93% and 45%, for CS-1 and CS-2, respectively. Chemical and electrochemical results suggest two different mechanisms of electrotrophic perchlorate removal, a complete eight-electron bio-reduction (i.e., perchlorate to chloride) for CS-1 and a partial two-electron bio-reduction (i.e., perchlorate to chlorate) for CS-2. The observed differences could be linked to their enzymatic differences, as in their membrane compositions. Thus, the results of this work increase the limited number of known electrotrophic microorganisms and expand the application of bioelectrochemical systems to develop new perchlorate treatment and remediation technologies.
Autor de correspondencia (s)Ignacio Vargas