Giovanni Vecchio

Investigador Asociado

Profesor Asistente del Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Actualmente es editor en jefe de la Revista EURE. 


Planificador urbano del Politecnico di Milano. Magíster en Urban Planning and Policy Design, y Doctorado en Urban Planning, Design and Policy de la misma casa de estudios.




Su foco de investigación y desarrollo académico ha estado centrado en las implicaciones sociales de la planificación territorial, especialmente en el campo de la movilidad urbana, en relación con grupos y territorios vulnerables, desigualdades socio-espaciales y políticas urbanas.


Investigador responsable del Fondecyt de iniciación «The place of urban ageing: a multiscale approach on the activity space of older people in Santiago de Chile» (2022-2025).




Vásquez, L., Mora, R., Vecchio, G., & Tiznado-Aitken, I. (2024). Street experiments in intermediate cities: scope and perceptions of COVID-19 interventions. Journal of Urban Mobility, 5(100072), 100072.


Tiznado-Aitken, I., Vecchio, G., Guzmán, L. A., Fan, Y., Humberto, M., De Vasconcellos, E. P. G., & Muñoz, J. C. (2023). Unequal periurban mobility: Travel patterns, modal choices and urban core dependence in Latin America. Habitat International, 133, 102752.


Vecchio, G., Castillo, B., Villegas, R., Rojas, C., Steiniger, S., & Carrasco, J. A. (2023). Elderly Walking Access to Street Markets in Chile: An Asset for Food Security in an Unequal Country. Sustainability, 15(5), 3893.


Vecchio, G., Castillo, B., & Steiniger, S. (2023). Envejecer en la playa. La emergente migración de personas mayores hacia el Litoral Central de Chile (1987 – 2017). AUS, 33, 65-73.


Fuenzalida-Izquierdo, J., Sagaris, L., Muñoz, J. C., & Vecchio, G. (2023). Improving Participation for Sustainable Transport: Testing CoAXs Amidst Controversy Around a BRT Project in Santiago, Chile. Journal Of Planning Education And Research.×231186969 


Tiznado-Aitken, I., Vecchio, G., Mora, R., González, L. D., & Marshall, C. (2023). Planning for accessibility: the divide between research and policy in the promotion of equitable mobility. Area Development And Policy, 1-23.


Tiznado-Aitken, I., Mora, R., Oyarzún, G., Vergara, J., & Vecchio, G. (2022). A bumpy ride: structural inequalities, quality standards, and institutional limitations affecting cycling infrastructure. Transportation Research. Part D, Transport And Environment, 110, 103434.


Vecchio, G., Tiznado-Aitken, I., Albornoz, C., & Tironi, M. (2022). Delivery workers and the interplay of digital and mobility (in)justice. Digital Geography And Society, 3, 100036.


Vecchio, G. (2022). Transferring transport policy problems: the instrumental role of social concerns in policy transfer. Planning Practice + Research/Planning Practice And Research, 38(6), 815-829.


Rojas, C., Sáez, F. A., Vecchio, G., & Steiniger, S. (2022). Perception of Green Spaces Preparedness and Accessibility During COVID-19: An Exploratory Survey in Two Mid-Sized Chilean Cities. Frontiers In Sustainable Cities, 4.