Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad de Concepción e Investigador del Instituto de Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI).
Ingeniero Civil y Magister en Transporte de la Universidad de Chile, Doctor en Ingeniería Civil de University of Texas.
Su área de investigación está orientada en temas de movilidad y transporte urbano, con estudios sobre modos de transporte sustentable, modelos de elección discreta, econometría espacial, a los modelos de demanda de viaje, y al estudio de modelos de comportamiento en torno a acceso y movilidad.
Es Investigador Responsable del Proyecto Fondecyt N°1221724 «A microeconomic theory- based time-use model with detailed activity classification and heterogeneous mínimum time allocations: the value of time of chilean workers and non-workers».
Jara-Díaz, S.R., Morales, M., and Astroza, S. (2023) Transcending the gender distribution of work: committed time, activity substitution, and leisure. Transportation. Forthcoming.
Astroza, S., Guarda, P., & Carrasco, J. A. (2022). Modeling the relationship between food purchasing, transport, and health outcomes: Evidence from Concepcion, Chile. Journal Of Choice Modelling, 42, 100341.
González-Espejo, F., Astroza, S., & Hurtubia, R. (2022). On the relation between school and residential location choice: Evidence of heterogeneous strategies from Santiago de Chile. Journal Of Transport Geography, 102, 103359.
Salas, P., De la Fuente, R., Astroza, S., & Carrasco, J. A. (2022). A systematic comparative evaluation of machine learning classifiers and discrete choice models for travel mode choice in the presence of response heterogeneity. Expert Systems With Applications, 193, 116253.
Leung, K. Y., Astroza, S., Loo, B. P., & Bhat, C. R. (2019). An environment-people interactions framework for analysing children’s extra-curricular activities and active transport. Journal Of Transport Geography, 74, 341-358.
Astroza, S., Garikapati, V., Pendyala, R. M., Bhat, C. R., & Mokhtarian, P. L. (2018). Representing heterogeneity in structural relationships among multiple choice variables using a latent segmentation approach. Transportation, 46(5), 1755-1784.
Astroza, S., Bhat, P. C., Bhat, C. R., Pendyala, R. M., & Garikapati, V. (2018). Understanding activity engagement across weekdays and weekend days: A multivariate multiple discrete-continuous modeling approach. Journal Of Choice Modelling, 28, 56-70.
Nair, G. S., Astroza, S., Bhat, C. R., Khoeini, S., & Pendyala, R. M. (2018). An application of a rank ordered probit modeling approach to understanding level of interest in autonomous vehicles. Transportation, 45(6), 1623-1637.
Singh, A., Astroza, S., Garikapati, V., Pendyala, R. M., Bhat, C. R., & Mokhtarian, P. L. (2018). Quantifying the Contribution of Various Factors to Household Vehicle Miles of Travel. Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board.
Astroza, S., Garikapati, V., Bhat, C. R., Pendyala, R. M., Lavieri, P. S., & Dias, F. F. (2017). Analysis of the Impact of Technology Use on Multimodality and Activity Travel Characteristics. Transportation Research Record, 2666(1), 19-28.