Jorge Gironás



Investigador Principal

Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica y Ambiental de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y subdirector del Centro de Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable (CEDEUS).


Ingeniero Civil y Magíster en Ciencias de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctor en Ingeniería Civil, Colorado State University, EE.UU.




Es especialista en hidrología superficial y la simulación de procesos hidrológicos, particularmente en áreas urbanas y semiurbanas. Sus investigaciones se centran en la relación entre sistemas antrópicos y el agua, entendida ésta tanto como un recurso o como una amenaza.


Es investigador principal del Fondecyt «From coarse to fine temporal resolutions: the formal incorporation of climate change in the definition of climate series for hydrologic analysis and design».




Chadwick, C., Gironás, J., González-Leiva, F., & Aedo, S. (2023). Bias adjustment to preserve changes in variability: the unbiased mapping of GCM changes. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 68(8), 1184-1201.


Simon, F., Gironás, J., Rivera, J. I., Vega, A., Arce, G., Molinos‐Senante, M., Jorquera, H., Flamant, G., Bustamante, W., Greene, M., Vargas, I. T., Suárez, F., Pastén, P., & Cortés, S. (2023). Toward sustainability and resilience in Chilean cities: Lessons and recommendations for air, water, and soil issues. Heliyon, 9(7), e18191.


Chong, P., Gironás, J., & Niemann, J. D. (2022). A Spatial Analysis of Dispersion Mechanisms in the Hydrological Response Using a Spatially Distributed Travel Time Model. Water Resources Research, 58(2).


García, M. C., Vera, S., Rouault, F., Gironás, J., & Bustamante, W. (2022). Cooling potential of greenery systems for a stand-alone retail building under semiarid and humid subtropical climates. Energy And Buildings, 259, 111897. 


Amaris, G., Dawson, R., Gironás, J., Hess, S., & De Dios Ortúzar, J. (2021). From mathematical models to policy design: Predicting greywater reuse scheme effectiveness and water reclamation benefits based on individuals’ preferences. Sustainable Cities And Society, 74, 103132.


Amaris, G., Gironás, J., Hess, S., & De Dios Ortúzar, J. (2021). Capturing and analysing heterogeneity in residential greywater reuse preferences using a latent class model. Journal Of Environmental Management, 279, 111673.


Amaris, G., Hess, S., Gironás, J., & De Dios Ortúzar, J. (2021). Using hybrid choice models to capture the impact of attitudes on residential greywater reuse preferences. Resources, Conservation And Recycling, 164, 105171.


Chadwick, C., Gironás, J., Barría, P., Vicuña, S., & Meza, F. (2020). Assessing Reservoir Performance under Climate Change. When Is It Going to Be Too Late If Current Water Management Is Not Changed? Water, 13(1), 64. 


Ibañez, M. A., Gironás, J., Oberli, C., Chadwick, C., & Garreaud, R. (2020). Daily and seasonal variation of the surface temperature lapse rate and 0°C isotherm height in the western subtropical Andes. International Journal Of Climatology, 41(S1).


Contreras, M., Gironás, J., & Escauriaza, C. (2020). Forecasting flood hazards in real time: a surrogate model for hydrometeorological events in an Andean watershed. Natural Hazards And Earth System Sciences, 20(12), 3261-3277.