Profesor Asistente, Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Doctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Investigador del Centro de Excelencia BRT+. También es asesor del Directorio de Transporte Público Metropolitano (DTPM) y Metro de Santiago.
Modelos de comportamiento, demanda de transporte, econometría, planificación urbana, sistemas de transporte público, ciencia de Datos.
Iglesias, V., & Raveau, S. (2024). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on crowding aversion in public transport and transport mode choice: The case of Santiago, Chile. Transport Policy, 146, 167-174.
Mix, R., Hurtubia, R., & Raveau, S. (2022). Optimal location of bike-sharing stations: A built environment and accessibility approach. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy And Practice, 160, 126-142.
Cantillo, A., Raveau, S., & Muñoz, J. C. (2022). Fare evasion on public transport: Who, when, where and how? Transportation Research. Part A, Policy And Practice, 156, 285-295.
Fukushi, M., Delgado, F., Raveau, S., & Santos, B. F. (2022). CHAIRS: A choice-based air transport simulator applied to airline competition and revenue management. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy And Practice, 155, 297-315.
Garrido-Valenzuela, F., Raveau, S., & Herrera, J. C. (2022). Bayesian Route Choice Inference to Address Missed Bluetooth Detections. IEEE Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(3), 1865-1874.
Ingvardson, J. B., Thorhauge, M., Kaplan, S., Nielsen, O. A., & Raveau, S. (2021). Incorporating psychological needs in commute mode choice modelling: a hybrid choice framework. Transportation, 49(6), 1861-1889.
Soza‐Parra, J., Muñoz, J. C., & Raveau, S. (2021). Factors that affect the evolution of headway variability along an urban bus service. Transportmetrica. B, Transport Dynamics, 9(1), 479-490.
Soza‐Parra, J., Raveau, S., & Muñoz, J. C. (2021). Public transport reliability across preferences, modes, and space. Transportation, 49(2), 621-640.
Soza‐Parra, J., Raveau, S., & Muñoz, J. C. (2021). Travel preferences of public transport users under uneven headways. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy And Practice, 147, 61-75.
Guerrero, T.E., Ortúzar, J. de D. and Raveau, S. (2020) Traffic accident risk perception among drivers: a latent variable approach. Transportation Planning And Technology/Transportation, Planning And Technology, 43(3), 313-324.