Transit, academic achievement and equalisation: evidence from a subway expansion

TítuloTransit, academic achievement and equalisation: evidence from a subway expansion
Autor(es)Kenzo Asahi, Ignacia Pinto
Línea(s)Acceso y movilidad
Año de publicación2022
RevistaJournal of Economic Geography
Palabras claves

We identify and quantify the impact of subways on equalising academic achievement in an urban school choice setting. Specifically, we study the short- and medium-term effects of a massive subway network expansion in Chile on the academic achievement gap between low- and high-performing students. Estimates are derived using fixed-effects models. Closer proximity to the subway network is associated with the equalisation of academic achievements. In the medium-term (3 years after the opening of the subway stations), the gap between low- and high-achievers decreased by 5% of a standard deviation.

Autor de correspondencia Kenzo Asahi,