SPECULATION, LAND RENT, AND THE NEOLIBERAL CITY Or why free market is not enough

SPECULATION, LAND RENT, AND THE NEOLIBERAL CITY Or why free market is not enough
AuthorFelipe Encinas, Ricardo Truffello, Carlos Aguirre, Rodrigo Hidalgo
Line(s)Built Environment; Sociospatial Dynamics
Year of Publication2019
Journal TitleARQ (Santiago)
Keywordsspeculation; city; development; process; research
AbstractIf financial speculation is the possible future profit of an action performed in the present, then the risks justify the profit margin. However, this research shows that, when it comes to urban land, the future profit depends on the plot’s location and not on what is built on it. Thus, as the location is not interchangeable, the purchase of urban land involves virtually no risks. Rather than speculation, it is actually a guaranteed business.


Corresponding AuthorFelipe Encinas felipe.encinas@uc.cl, Ricardo Truffello rtruffel@uc.cl